Filozofie, ekonomie, politologie, sociologie, psychologie, historiografie


Teoretický časopis věnovaný otázkám postavení člověka ve světě, ve společnosti, v současném dění

MARATHON is a bi-monthly Internet magazine founded in Prague at the end of 1996. Its aim is to help to clarify, from central and east European perspective, the reasons of present entanglement of the world developments, and participate in the search for prospective solutions.

About 20 authors contribute to the magazine on a regular basis and more write for it occasionally. So far MARATHON has been published in Czech with occasional documentation annexes in English or German. English summaries of articles are envisaged based on specific interests of readers.

Themes most often treated in the magazine include human capital, investments in education and other forms of human capital, nature and consequences of globalization, new approaches in economic theory (an attempt for synthesis of seemingly disparate concepts of K. Marx, J. Schumpeter, M. Friedman, G. Becker and R. Reich with regard to role played by innovations and the search for new space for economic growth), etc. Several specific projects of human capital investments have been developed on the basis of concepts analyzed in MARATHON.

The magazine can be accessed at http//

E-mail contact:



Radim Valenčík
jménem Otevřené společnosti příznivců časopisu MARATHON

Vychází od listopadu 1996

Vladimír Prorok (
Pavel Sirůček (

Radim Valenčík (02/2491 0810, )

Redakce a administrace:
Radim Valenčík, Ostrovní 16
110 00 Praha 1

tel.: 02/2491 0810

Registrační značka: MK ČR 7785